Children Who Sense Spirit

And how to support them

Approach your child's spiritual sense with curiosity


Recently, I’ve had many clients coming to me to understand their children who have spiritual gifts.

When I was little, I could see spirits as if they were invisible friends. Mum would ask me if I wanted to have friends over after school, but I already had plenty of company—my Spirit Guides. It was a confusing time as I didn’t understand that other people couldn’t sense spirits, and the adults around me didn’t understand my experiences. 

Nighttimes were the worst. Electrical devices would flash on and off around me. Especially the washing machine, Lights and TV. Wristwatches would go backwards on me and the music on Dad’s radio would go static if I got too close to it. I felt uncomfortable being ‘alone’ at night because I could hear spirits moving around me. The more fear I had, the more I felt the company of Pets that had passed over. I could feel their weight where they used to sleep on my bed.

My twin daughters Maddison and Charlotte had trouble at night, too. It seems my spiritual gifts got passed down to them. Charlotte would see them easier, and Maddison would feel their energy. When the distractions of the daytime went away, their senses became heightened. 

The spirits that come to all of us are normally our family members and loved ones just checking in. But it can feel unsettling when that is unknown. 

Below are some strategies I use to help my children feel settled with their Spiritual gifts.



Quick & Effective Tips to Help YOUR Child

If your child senses spirit, Here are some tips I use with my daughters. 

• It is important to listen to your child as if they are telling you the truth. After all, it is their perception of what’s going on for them.

• Find ways to empower your child so that they are in charge. Sometimes, it’s as simple as commanding the spirit to leave.

▪︎ I encourage my girls to imagine a protective dragon or angel to be with them. This means the burden is not all on them.

• My girls have a few protective crystals to keep by their bed, which absorb their worry and help them sleep. Smokey Quartz and Amethyst are fantastic for this. Etsy or Ebay is a great place to buy them. You can call them “sweet dreams” crystals.

• It is healthier to sleep in a decluttered space, as well as energetically clean. I heard some creative mums get their children to vacuum the monsters away! I LOVE IT. As an energy worker, I will cleanse the room to bring the space back into harmony. Below is a link on how you can clear the energy in your home, and there is a link below to an expert, Fiona Fitzgerald, who can professionally clear the energy of your home.

If you need help understanding your little one and how they see the world, feel free to contact me.

Links and Extras to Support YOUR Child

Ways to protect your energy

This link will take you to Instagram, where you can see my illustrations of ways you can protect your energy, such as how to protect your home and your car on the road and how to work with your guides.

Power of Smudging

Smudging is an ancient ritual where we set the intention to cleanse the energy in our homes, cars or offices. Step into your spiritual power and clear away –

  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Stagnant energy
  • Residual energy from arguments or
  • Toxic people energy

This link will take you to the steps you need to know to Sage cleanse your home. 

Sensory Compression Blanket/ Sheet

This was one of the most effective tools for calming my daughter Maddy at night. Poor sleep can be detrimental to your child’s mood and behavior! The Sensory Compression Blanket is one of the most effective tools for calming your sensory child, relieving anxiety, and transforming your bedtime routine from hours to minutes.

"Safe Spray " (lavender oil in water spray bottle)

Have a spray bottle of water and lavender oil labelled “safe spray.” This tool can be used in their room to ‘cleanse’ the energy. Lavender Oil supports restful sleep and promotes a calm and peaceful mind.


Take mirrors out of your Childs bedroom

Most Feng Shui experts say that mirrors in your bedroom create unlucky energy. A mirror facing your bed depletes your personal energy and creates sleeplessness. It is believed that your soul leaves your body when you sleep. When there are mirrors in your bedroom, it makes it difficult for the soul to return as it mistakes the image in the mirror for the real body. 

If your child is fearful at night, the energy of the mirror’s reflection can be an easy ‘portal’ for the spirit to look into your child’s room. It can be intrusive. I highly recommend taking mirrors out of your Child’s room. 

Arch Angel Metatron

When your child is experiencing emotional upheavals, learning issues, feeling stuck, and needing strength and support, Metatron is the archangel to call in. He watches over the energy flow in creation and provides a connection to the divine. 
His role is to help children feel empowered, enhance their spiritual connection, and learn how to love themselves. He is especially equipped to help if your child has ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, or unique spiritual gifts (such as star children, indigo children, and rainbow children).

Please click on the link for more information on working with Arch Angel Metatron.

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Create Healing Stories

It is amazing how well children respond to playful stories and imagination. After all, their natural language is play. If your child is holding on to fear/ anger/ sadness, ask them where the fear is in their body, what colour it is, and to let the emotion go with beautiful colourful balloons. Other metaphors that work well are to let the emotions go down out of their feet to mother earth, to close the book on the nightmare, or to use their favourite TV character to come in and help fight the battle. 

Videos to Help Support Your Child

Joe Dizpenza - How to Support Children

Helping young children self-regulate their emotions is critical for their development and how they problem-solve as adults. Joe’s advice is simple yet effective. 

This 10-minute video is incredible. Joe talks about rehearsing solutions with your child or letting them come up with creative ways to solve your problems. 

House Clearing

Fiona Fitzgerald is absolutely incredible at what she does. Her potent energy and thorough understanding of heavy resonance make her the expert at house clearings. I have always said she has an ‘X-ray’ vision of the darker side of the spirit world WITH the extra gifts to clear it away. She is well worth your time contacting to do a house clearing where your child resides. You will thank me for it.

Remote Reiki

Reiki Master Krishna Dutton is someone I trust with my children’s energy. She has a generous and kind heart and is highly skilled at what she does. Contact Krishna to see what your options are to bring your child’s energy back into alignment.

Sleep Meditation for Kids

Welcome to this sleep meditation for kids, where they will meet a very special guardian snow wolf spirit guide who will keep them safe and sound as they relax into a perfect night’s deep sleep.

Neurographic Art - Mindfulness

Neurographic Art is a unique art and stress reduction method. It brings forward your creative energy and maximum personal realization. Art is one of the best ways to help your child communicate their experiences.

Arch Angels

Connect to a higher guidance

Arch Angel Metatron

We all have our own Guardian Angels who are with us to help us here on Earth to navigate this lifetime. We also have connections to Angels, Arch Angels and Guides. When we need their help, all we need to do is set the intention hand on our hearts and ask them to be with us. Time does not exist where they are in the spirit world, so they can be with us at the speed of thought.

When your child is experiencing emotional upheavals, learning issues, feeling stuck, and needing strength and support, Metatron is the archangel to call in. He watches over the energy flow in creation and provides a connection to the divine.

His role is to help children feel empowered, enhance their spiritual connection, and learn how to love themselves. He is especially equipped to help if your child has ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, or unique spiritual gifts (such as star children, indigo children, and rainbow children).

While he has some magnificent healing abilities, he is one of two Arch Angels who experienced human life (Known in the bible character, “Enoch”.) This means he can relate to how heavy the 3D energy is here on Earth and can help you and your child release the burdensome energy by clearing impurities from your aura & energy field.

He likes to work with sacred geometry, known as “Metatron’s Cube”. Meditating or focusing on this grid can help relax you and transform your negative thinking into 5D higher perspective. Metatron likes to help all people accelerate their spiritual awakening and to help them connect them to their higher purpose.

If your child is experiencing a hard time, call forward Metatron. Visualise Metatron’s Cube around your child like a protective, energetic barrier. You can also visualise mirrors around your child so that the energy that people project onto them is reflected in those upsetting them (aka bullies at school). This will ensure they don’t take it on. If your child is aware of energy, they are most likely an Empath. They will take on other people’s stressful energy to keep the peace in the moment. They will need help to discharge this energy and respectfully learn energetic boundaries. An empath’s path is to learn about self-empowerment.

Please contact me if you are feeling lost to help your little one with their spiritual gifts. The more ease you feel, the easier it will be to navigate and support your precious little person. 

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