Mirror Manifesting

Mirrorwork can be a beautiful process, especially for women committed to manifesting a beautiful world for themselves. It is a unique practice in which you connect to your reflection in the mirror as if it were a close friend. You can open yourself to a deep conversation and affirm the parts of you that you appreciate.

It is one of the best practices for enhancing your personal power, self-love, self-worth, confidence, manifestation, and inner Strength.

Below is 5 Easy Steps & How to supercharge your affirmations. 

Why can it be so UNCOMFORTABLE

However, at the beginning, the mirror can be confronting for women who have experienced low self-worth, shame, or anxiety.

I remember YEARS ago when my coach first asked me to talk to myself in the mirror—feeling uncomfortable is an understatement! I had to work through plenty of blocks to love my inner child. I remember feeling disgust for myself, who was once bullied for her “ugly big nose and her freckles.”

With time and gentle practice, it started to become easier I started to see my value and manifest beauty in my life. 

5 Easy Steps

1. Commit to yourself

All it takes to be the best version of yourself is one simple decision to commit to you. The most successful people are committed to doing the inner work, serving their purpose, and prioritizing their well-being first. This is one powerful step forward.  

2. Set up your space

Choose a time when you won’t be disturbed. This practice is just for you. If you want, soften the light and make it clean and pretty. Some people play music to get in the mood.

3. Connect with you

Sit or stand in front of the mirror in the position you are most comfortable with. Simply make eye contact with yourself, hold your gaze, and remember to breathe.

Recognise any body feelings that come up. Yes, it may feel uncomfortable as your ego wants to take over and judge. Notice this thought and let it go. If you feel emotionally triggered, notice the trigger, and we can work through these in a session.

4. Place your hand over your heart

When getting the most out of your reality, see yourself as your best friend. 

  • What do you like about your dear friend in front of you? 
  • What are they doing well in their life?
  • What are you proud of that they are achieving?

5. Choose affirmations that feel right for you (Below are key steps to super charge your affirmations)

E.g. “Claire, I’m proud of you for having the courage to step in front of the mirror.”

“…name… I’m proud of you that you decided to get out of that relationship”.

“…name… Your eyes are lovely.”

“..name…  I love you because….”

“I am enough.”

“I am kind.”

“I am lovely.”

“I get rich doing what I love.”

“It is ok to feel sad.”

“I am safe.”

When something good happens in your life, you can go to the mirror and say, “Thank you, thank you. You are amazing!

Super Charge YOUR Affirmations to Manifest

Before you start your mirror work, write down or journal the answer to this question
“What do you want?” ……

Next, answer this question.
“Why is that important to you?” …….

Repeat and answer this question.
“& Why is that important to you? …….

Repeat three more times and answer this question.
“& Why is that important to you?”

Now say that last one to your mirror self, and FEEL THE EXCITEMENT OF THIS ENERGY!

I write this affirmation on my ensuite mirror with lipstick. …It keeps David on his toes to know what I’m manifesting. 

Inner world, Outer world

The truth is we manifest all the time. The law of attraction works with the vibration and energy we radiate every single day. We don’t just decide to activate it one day and use it to our advantage. That’s why our words and thoughts shape our reality. So when you look in the mirror and that inner critic starts taking over and starts judging yourself, you manifest more problems and health issues. Understanding this principle is the first step.

When we are stressed, feel low self-worth, and doubt ourselves, the brain releases stress hormones and inflammatory issues into the body, causing poor immune function and low energy.

When you begin to see love in your world, the brain releases good chemicals, like dopamine and oxytocin, into the bloodstream. That leads to healthy self-worth. The law of attraction will simply match this energy and continue to bring more of it to you. It isn’t good or bad; it just is. The most amazing thing about life is that we get to decide what we focus on and, therefore, what we experience. 

Mirror work is the most effective method for learning to love yourself and see the world as a safe and loving place.

Spiritual Awakening Series -

  • In a nutshell, what is manifesting?
  • Am I manifesting all the time?
  • How does NLP help me manifest?
  • Why have I manifested health challenges? What can I do about it?


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