Protect Your Energy
Follow your intuition
"How do I protect my energy?"
If you ask this question, “How do I protect my energy?” it tells me you are in one of three scenarios.
- You are trying to build upon your spiritual expertise and explore the polarities between light and dark energy.
- You are an empath and unintentionally taking on the energy of others.
- You are experiencing burnout-like symptoms and feel your life force draining out of you.
In other words, you could be worried about either negative energy coming at you, absorbing the energy of others, or your energy flowing out of you.
Part One: Protect Your Energy From Spiritual Negativity
When newcomers start to learn about mediumship and connecting with spirit, learning how to protect their energy is often part of their initiation. These tools set them up with the confidence to explore their natural gifts. These tools can be:
- building a trusted relationship with guides,
- activating a breathable bubble of light,
- grounding their energy into Mother Earth,
- burning sage or oils to neutralise the energy or
- utilizing crystals to amplify their energy.
Eventually, psychic mediums will learn that radiating their light with authentic confidence is one of the most powerful tools they can use to protect their energy when connecting to the spirit world. Yes, they will still use the tools in the tool kit, but it is reassuring to know that one of the biggest keys to protecting your energy is to raise your esteem and expand your light intentionally.
It is important to remember that conscious beings can either make or steal energy. That’s the difference between the light and the dark. Dark beings will generate fear to weaken your energy, and then they will harvest your energy for their gain. Again, that is why learning tools and techniques to raise your frequency is important. So you are not a target.
Part Two: Absorbing Energy As An Empath
What can an Empath do to protect your energy? And even more importantly, what can you do to embrace your empath superpower?
Empaths are normally born into chaotic families. Early in their childhood, they learn to psychically scan the room to check in on their caregivers’ stress levels. If their mother is stressed, they will adjust themselves to keep the peace and do what they can to reduce the load for their mother.
The consequence of this is that the home is more bearable to be in, and they can now enjoy the quiet to do what they want to do. However, this ‘training’ at a young age teaches them to put their needs second to others. While some people will tell the empath to implement boundaries, the truth is that the empath has such a high need for safety that they will unintentionally continue to scan the energy around them and check in the energy of people around them.
If you are an adult looking to protect yourself from taking on others’ energy, you first need to enquire about old patterns and habits and why you are still utilizing the strategy you used as a child.
As a grown-up, we can assume you have the choice of putting yourself in situations where you are safe, so why is there a need to psychically scan the room or people around you so strong? (If you are not safe, that needs some enquiry too.)
The second thing the empath needs to do is identify the underlying fears about putting themselves first, their need to be liked, or their craving to belong no matter what, which means they will self-abandon easily. Many times, Empaths give their energy away to prove their value and will people please to avoid rejection. This empath cycle will exhaust the Empath.
When I coach Empaths, I take the time to explore what they have learned from taking on others’ energy. What is the lesson? What do they now know about the polarity of their high-vibe healing energy and the suffering of others?
It is crucial that you use effective modalities such as Hypnotherapy and NLP to clear the beliefs around being an Empath that hold you back, aligning back to the highest truth of who you are. It’s important to learn the difference between your energy and the energy of others.
Here are other tips:
- Be selective about who you spend time with.
- Cut cords with people who willingly take your energy or don’t consider your needs.
- Avoid chronic talkers, drama, and people who complain a lot. These will absolutely drain your energy, as your heart is so open.
- Release the energy of others that are clogged up in your energy centres.
- Find time for yourself. This may mean spending time away from yourself in nature, away from anyone else’s feelings or stress.
- When you feel triggered, simply close your eyes, breathe, and get centred. Call in your guides and firmly command “If this energy is not mine, take it away” and then feel the energy drop off you.
- Ask your guides to put a bubble of light around you to strengthen your boundary.
- When you are in the shower, you can imagine washing away the energy of others that you have absorbed.
- Ask Arch Angel Michael to cut the cords of anyone who has intruded on your space. Imagine that energy goes back to them.
Once this in-depth enquiry is in place, it is easy to release other people’s energy with purity and clarity of mind …best of all you can claim your Empath superpowers!
Part Three: Burnout
In simple terms, if you are doing burn out… please get some on going coaching to sort out what is going for you within your mind, body and soul. I can go into great detail about what causes burnout, however it is easily resolvable when you work with someone who knows how to get to the root cause.
Burn out generally occurs when you are out of alignment. You might be over giving, doing too much for others due to obligations and guilt; and unaware that you are saying ‘yes’ to things that don’t give you the shared energy exchange that elevates your energy.
While you can practice boundaries, and learning how to say ‘no’, the most effective way to protect your energy from burnout is to go on a deep inner journey to explore what is the underlying fear. Usually it comes back to a fear of scarcity and not enough.
As an example, people who are driven to financial success easily do burn out because they have an underlying fear of running out of money, or their ego has taken hold of the steering wheel of life and became competitive to be the best, or do the best to be significant – at the cost of their well being. They go into hustle mode that quickly depletes their energy.
Burn out will kick in when the body and mind are keeping the person from making the mistake of wasting their energy. The tiredness is serving them as a messenger to take notice of what is important to the person and to take time to play – instead of scarcity and seriousness of pushing ahead.
Why can’t you have both. Financial success? AND good quality health wellbeing? Truth is you absolutely can have both.
I have worked with clients who have struggled with burn out, and ongoing health problems that all stem back to limiting beliefs. Once these were nipped in the bud, they didn’t have to push and use will power to get a head. They flourished within businesses that gave back to them energetically. ..and of course, financial success was the consequence! They easily manifest clients, business growth and finances when they come into alignment within their purpose.
…So coming back to the original question “How do I protect my energy?” … simple answer is do what you can to resolve and dissolve fear and limiting emotions, so you will operate from a higher frequency where you don’t NEED protection. It will be a fun choice.
I’m pleased to share this with you.
If you need any extra help, please get in touch with me.
Power of Smudging
Energetically cleanse you and your home
Power of Smudging
Smudging is an ancient ritual where we set the intention to cleanse the energy in our homes, cars or office.
Step in to your spiritual power and clear away –
- Anxiety
- Worry
- Stagnant energy
- Residual energy from arguments or
- Toxic people energy
You can buy Smudge sticks from health food shops, crystal shops and online. The best Smudge sticks are made of dried White Sage and should cost you between $15- $30.
1. First set the intention, call in your healing team (aka guides), Angels and any divine guidance to help. (I sometimes draw a card from my angel deck & have a few crystals with me)
2. Open windows throughout your home or space you will be clearing.
3. Light the sage stick so it creates smoke. The more smoke the more ‘negative’ energy it is working on to clear.
5. Move throughout your entire home, going in to every room of your home to end up back at your front door.
6. Smoke your aura/ energy field too.
7. End the session by thanking your team for their assistance.
8. I put a glass or a bowl over my smudge stick to stop burning (by taking away the oxygen).
Tips – This is a fantastic process if your in a new home. Make sure you you smoke the bathrooms, bigger cupboards, ceiling corners, and under beds etc.
For an added extra you can place crystals at your front door to welcome good energy, crystals near your computer or TV to absorb interfering electricity, crystals to enhance your manifesting with your vision boards.
Enjoy. Breath easy and claim back your space.
Cord Cutting
Recover your energy
Cord Cutting
Recover YOUR energy & re-establish your boundaries
They say we are all connected. Have you ever wondered how that impacts you energetically?
Any time we connect & interact with another person (This may be family, friend, intimate partner, colleague, or someone you meet in passing), invisible energy cords will be created. We are all energy beings, and these cords help us form a connection and understand one another. At the beginning of a meaningful relationship, the cords formed will be kind and positive – cords of light that can never be disconnected.
As we move through that relationship, growing, learning, and evolving, friction may start to show itself. This is when unhealthy cords will connect that make you feel heavy because you are unknowingly giving too much of your energy or it is being taken from you.
These cords will stay in place until we give them some attention to dissolve them. Up to this time, these people may be out of your awareness, but the other person can unconsciously tap in to you and take your energy, even years after the relationship was finalised. Think about your ex tapping into your energy and taking from you ….yuk!
There are signs that you may have unhealthy cords in place.
The three main ones are that you will feel –
– Exhausted
– Speaking or thinking about the other person often
– Feeling judgmental of the other person
– Unmotivated
– Confused
– Unexplained Sadness
– Angry
– & Drained.
Other examples that cause unhealthy cords, is when we have those friends that emotionally want to dump all their problems out. They don’t want a solution. They just want to vent. They are addicted to the drama of life and enjoy the attention they get from trauma bonding.
You may find yourself coming away from the conversation unsettled wondering “why am I sad? why am I drained?” – This is BIG sign that you are an empath and that you are not enforcing healthy boundaries. The cords have been giving so much of yourself to help the other person.
Majority of people are unaware of what they are doing. If this is happening to you, it is time to dissolve the unhealthy cords that no longer serve you. Its important to do this to help you re-establish your energetic boundaries and create a stronger friendship. ….or to release you from the commitment of old relationships.
Steps to Cord Cutting
First of all, you need to think back to when you first met this person and recognise what was it that let this person in to your life? Was it loneliness? Was it protection? What was it that you needed back then, and ask yourself, do you still have that need? This is an important step in cord cutting that many professionals leave out. Cord cutting will be successful when you can recognise what were the learnings from this relationship, so that you can free yourself of this soul contract.
Call forward Arch Angel Michael to come forth with his sword of Truth and Light. Visualise him cutting the cords between you and the other person. Remember to cut the cords under your feet, on your back and any where else you intuitively feel heaviness.
Say out loud or to yourself –
“I release myself of the commitment of this relationship. I now sever and release any and all energetic cords that do not serve my highest good. I release you and I release me from these binds.
Clear and transmute all cords on all times, between time, dimensions and frequencies.
I cleanse clear and purify all energy between us”
Visualise all the cords being cut while sending the energy back to them.
Call forward Arch Angel Raphael to heal where the cords where attached and visualise bright vivid green energy coming in to your body. Ask for harmony and balance to come in to yourself.
And then Call forward Arch Angel Metatron to put a golden grid of protection around you.
To finish off, Thank your Guides for their assistance.
After cord Cutting
Give yourself time for the energy to integrate and to work its way deeper and deeper in to your system. You may want to take some time for yourself for self care. This could be a salt bath, journal, walk in nature etc.
MANY MANY MANY times, Clients will cut cords and the next day their ex will call or text to reach out. It is as if their soul has recognised they cant tap in to your energy any more, and so they physically go looking for you to connect. I have worked with clients who cut the cords on an ex from 10years ago and then within 48hrs of the session, she receives a text from him “I’m sorry if I ever hurt you in the past”.
The important thing to note after cord cutting is that you have wiped the slate clean. You can now raise your standards and outline how you want the relationship to be OR not to be.
The benefits from successful cord cutting is that you will no longer feeling stuck or unsettled. You will feel a sense of relief and CLAIM BACK YOUR POWER to move forward.