
You on your souls journey


Life after life

Everyone has their own ideas about reincarnation. When I did mediumship, I often questioned “How long is someone in the spirit world before they can incarnate into a human body again?” “If I am calling Nanna to come forward in a reading, am I interfering with her choice to have a human experience again?” …I know my mind wonders and I ask weird questions.

My guides had explained to me that our higher self is like a glass of water. The entire glass of water is like the truest essence of you. Knowing that the higher self wants to experience consciousness from multiple perspectives, it will put a droplet of itself all throughout time.

So, your higher self, could put a droplet of you here in the now, there may be a droplet of you in the 1800s Tibet, 1500s England, 400s Jerusalem.  You could have aspects of you all throughout time and all over the world. This is why your higher self can bi-locate – just like the arch angels.

So, when we connect to the soul of Nanna in the spirit world, essentially, we are connecting into her higher self and that stream of consciousness.

It can be confusing.

When you consider YOUR soul, and wonder about your past lives, we are accessing the stream of your consciousness throughout your earthly time.

Personally, I know I had past lives where I was struggling in 1660 London. My soul went back to that aspect of me, in that lifetime, to help her complete what she needed to (she was there to learn about empowerment). Together we could close that soul contract so that she was no longer living in poverty, and I was no longer struggling in this lifetime. Doing past life regression, the energy and lessons created a ripple effect throughout our timestream.

It feels difficult to describe, but hopefully it makes sense, soul to soul.



What is death really?

At the ego level, we are all hard-wired to fear and avoid death. Your bodies generate panic, and anxiety to any scenarios that put your life in danger. This instinctive fear helps to ensure your survival.

While physical death is the separation of the soul from the body, your soul has experienced death countless times.

Essentially your ego fears the complete destruction of itself, and everything you attach to your identity. Death is the complete letting go.

Who are you without your ego identity?

At the soul level you are not:

  • your name
  • your role in the family
  • your job
  • your gender
  • your religion
  • your passion.

Free from your ego, your soul is eternal. It is a powerful, purposeful essence and the centre of who you are. Your soul existed before you were born, and it will continue to exist beyond your death. Your soul is excited to be alive and to have a human experience.

Your soul can travel through time, out of time, through all dimensions and frequencies. Hence why our soul-life regression is possible.

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