Awaken YOUR Intuition Within
Born With Intuition
Can you hear the voice of your intuition?
When you were a baby, your intuition was loud & pure. Your existence brought people so much love and joy just by being YOU. Over time, your intuition became faint as you were required to listen to your caregivers about how to be in this world. No matter your culture, the adults taught you what was important in life according to their standards. Whatever your ancestors had done in the past ensured the lineage’s survival- you are evidence of this! So your family’s values get handed down from one generation to another.
As a child, your biological need is to attach to a caregiver as you depend on them for everything—food, shelter, clothing, social skills, education, etc. These formative years are when your ego is formed. As your soul experiences the unique journey of being human, you must learn about the difference between your ego competing for your attention and your intuition residing in the background, patiently waiting for you to listen.
The ego is the part of the self concerned with self-preservation and personal significance; in other words, its instinct is to have the power and strategy to keep you alive. The ego does this by driving up the fear and perceived threat of not belonging. It creates a sense of urgency, like an unsettled kind of energy that causes you to drop your self-worth and seek the approval of others. Sometimes, you see this play out in people who need immediate gratification, like being the bully, and other times, you see this play out when someone goes into victim mode where other people tend to their needs
Enhance Your Intuition
The energy of your intuition is like pure love. It is connected to your higher self and your soul’s eternal blueprint, so it will assist you in living your purpose in this human experience. It sees beyond the ego’s conditioning and plays a crucial role in bypassing the limitations of our logical mind. Your intuition can help you make decisions quickly, especially when you don’t have all the information or time to analyse everything logically.
It has the power to sift through information, disregard irrelevant factors, and rapidly recognise patterns and connections long before your mind does. On a primal level, it can alert you to danger and help you respond quickly to threats.
Ancient people viewed their connection with their intuition as integral to their existence. This enhanced their relationship with Mother Nature and the spirit world to live a holistic life. Yet, in this modern world, many people have lost touch with potent inner knowing and require spiritual leaders to teach them to trust their intuition to navigate their path forward.
Next time you want to make a decision, quiet your mind. Come to the present time. With your hand on your heart, ask yourself what’s important to you about this decision. Breathe and listen to that humble inner knowing.
Your intuition is the first answer when you ask yourself a question. For example, “What is it like if I go down this path?” A ‘yes’ will feel light, excitable, or like a gentle warm nudge. A ‘no’ will feel heavier or dull.
Keep in mind that if you ask yourself, “What will it be like if I go down this path?” your ego will be quick to justify, make excuses, and explain why you should do what is familiar.
Following your intuition means being clear about what’s important to you—not what others have told you. People won’t listen to their intuition because they fear getting the wrong answer, and they habitually rely on external validation only to receive the other person’s agenda.
Our intuition drives us to grow and reach our potential—this can mean doing something different than what has been done before! This is why people engage with coaching. They are looking for clarity moving forward and their ability to trust their intuition.
What is your Intuition?
Did you know your intuition is NOT:
- Self-talk & inner dialogue.
- Voices from the past.
- Logical.
- Talking in sentences.
- Emotional.
- Judgmental.
- Loud.
- Your beliefs.
- Adamant in its strength.
Your intuition comes from:
- Your heart.
- Within the core of you.
- Your “Gut”
- It comes from your 6th sense, rather than your logical 5 senses.
Leading Your Intuition
I used to think my intuition would lead me down the ‘right’ path and steer me away from the ‘wrong’ path. I assumed that the right path was the easy path and the wrong path was the challenging path. It was an ah-ha moment when I realised that your intuition motivates you to be your purpose.
If you have a purpose to step onto the stage, stand in the spotlight and inspire people by speaking your truth, then you will have to work through all the ego conditioning from where you currently are to where you want to be. You must work through the fear of being judged, the low self-worth of ‘why would people listen to me’, and any other limiting emotions that allow the ego to grip you to stay the same.
Your intuition will require you to be vulnerable and create an entirely new path that requires change. That’s why it can be hard to follow your intuition, as we have an instinct to pull away from unfamiliarity.
If you can get comfortable with being uncomfortable, your intuition will lead you to be in alignment with your purpose. So, if your soul’s purpose is to learn about self-empowerment, your intuition will move you towards obtaining this.
Your Ego will go against your intuition and will use whatever it can to keep you from changing. It will trigger the emotional body and release fear. It will drive up your anxiety, causing your logical mind to race with all the reasons why you shouldn’t go ahead.
There are so many aspects playing out, such as the emotional body, the mental body, your instincts, your ego, your intuition, your psychic senses, and your instincts.
This is why coaching is so powerful. Coaching will help you resolve old limiting patterns and familiar outgrown habits so your Intuition can lead you forward to manifest the best version of yourself.
Intuition In Coaching
When we know how to connect with and strengthen our intuition, we awaken to what is possible. We make choices based on a higher vibration that will create a ripple effect in our future.
If we are making choices based on avoiding pain, we keep ourselves in a limited point of view. If we make choices based on our intuition’s guidance, life opens to new and exciting abundance.
Next time you have a quiet moment, place your hand on your heart and ask yourself these types of questions:
Such as –
- “What do I need to know to facilitate this upcoming session?”
- “What needs to happen to make things easier?”
- “Help me find a solution to…..”
- “What do I need to know to manifest….?”
- “What am I resisting that, if I didn’t resist, would open me to more possibilities…?”
- “What will my life be like if I make this decision…?”
- “How much money can my energy attract right now….?”
Observe how the answers come to you with those expansive, flowing qualities. Notice when your ego gets in the way and constricts your energy with overthinking.
It is worth taking the time to journal about your responses. When you journal intuitively, you allow your thoughts and feelings to flow freely without judgment. This can lead to deeper self-reflection and a clearer understanding of your inner world
Listen To Your Intuition
We were all born with pure Intuition. Many people notice their awareness to it was dulled down from childhood listening to adults direct us what to do or how we should be. Its important to connect back in to your intuition as it is one of your natural super powers to guide you to your souls purpose.
Your intuition will guide you forward and call you to change, grow and evolve.
Many people feel uncomfortable with change, as it pushes against their limiting beliefs, so they pull away from their intuition. (This discomfort needs to be released from the emotional body).
Your intuition is not about the past. However we often find ourselves regretting that we didn’t follow its guidance. This regret is to teach us to lean in, experiment and pay attention for next time. Your intuition will be patient with you, however your physical body will show you that you are out of alignment by experiencing pain and illness. It is fascinating how it is all connected.
Are you curious how to link in to you INTUITION? The most powerful way to start is to set the intention.
First, Quieten your mind, take in a few deep breaths and then ask yourself a question. The universe will align you to perfect synchronicity to answer your question within a short amount of time. You just have to be open to listen.
Remember, when you are utilizing practices to enhance your intuition, always ask for the TRUTH in the highest and best way. You are a powerful being. When you ask your question, the universe must always provide you an answer.
What is the difference between ego & intuition?
Many people want to enhance their intuition, yet there is some confusion about the signals between the ego and the messages from your intuition.
In this video, I go into detail about how to rule out what is NOT your intuition and what is worth listening to.
Spiritual Awakening Series - Mediumship & the spirit world
In this episode, Jesse & Claire talk about what it means to be an Empath.
We explore answers to these questions:
- What is involved in Mediumship?
- How do we know when our loved ones in spirit are around?
- What are our loved ones doing in the spirit world?
- What can the sitter do to get the most out of their mediumship reading?
YES / NO Intuitive answer
Sometimes all we need is quick guidance from our intuition. E.g. “Should I have a coffee now?” or “Is this the right decision for me?” Get out of your head and get familiar with that inner voice as your intuition knows best.
To start connecting to a YES for your intuition, say out loud “My name is ….(name)…”
and notice where you feel the sensation of a good certain “YES”.
Now say “My name is ….Paul…” (assuming your name is not Paul) and notice that sinking “No” sensation. Getting familiar with these two feelings or sensations is the quickest way you can accurately trust your intuition.
Gabrielle Bernstein - Trust The Signs
Learn how to recognize and trust the signs of guidance you receive from the Universe, and how to know the difference between a divine sign and your own ego.
Shaman Durek - Raise your Intuition
The Confused Millennial Podcast #015: How To Raise Your Intuition & Psychic Abilities + The Shamanic Perspective On Mental Health with Shaman Durek
Marie Forleo - Sharpen Your Intuition
Ever wish you were more intuitive? In this video learn four simple and effective ways to sharpen your natural instincts so you can think more like Oprah and Richard Branson, two well-known gut-followers.
Sonia Choquette - Liberate Your Intuition
Join bestselling author Sonia Choquette and awaken your intuition, reconnect with your true self, and be right more often with your life’s decisions here.
Melanie - Ask Your Spirit Guides
In this video Melanie shares 2 tips to ask your Spirit Guides a question and get the most meaningful information from them.