
What is important to you?


Values - How to make decisions easier

When it comes to our identity, we all have our own values, beliefs and metaprograms. These are the concepts that make us who we are and create the enjoyable, or not so enjoyable experiences in our life.  

Your values are the desires that help you create fulfilment in your life. They tend to be unconscious and more ‘stubborn’ than beliefs, as beliefs are interchangeable very easily. As an example, if you are someone who has a very high value in security & safety, you are going to make very different decisions compared to someone who has a high value in risk and adventure.

The person with the high value in security is likely to be driven towards owning their own home, creating stability and following the traditional path to ‘happiness’. Whereas a person who has a high value in adventure, is going to favour travel, exploring, and creating new experiences for themselves to feel uplifted.  

It is important to know what your highest values are so you can have certainty moving in the direction towards your purpose. When you don’t live in alignment with your values, decision making can be very challenging, life can be unfulfilling and ultimately our self-worth takes a big hit. You may find yourself making goals that are not satisfying to achieve, and you could be left feeling empty.

When you understand the value or desire you are trying to fulfil, the decisions become really clear on what is the path towards achieving your goal and feeling really confident in the path ahead.

Below is an NLP (Neuro linguistic Programming) process that is called Values Elicitation. You can use this process for multiple areas of your life. You can install and program your unconscious to seek your values and to achieve what is important to you.

Let me know how you go. And if you have any questions, please contact me for a session to discover what is driving you forward

The process to elicit your values

  1. List out what is important to you on a certain area in your life (career, relationships, parenting, money, travel, health). Let the response flow out as they come to mind.

    Eg. “What is important to me about my career?”

  1. Fulfilment
  2. Respect
  3. Connection
  4. Money

2. Even though you may feel like you got to the end of your list, it is still important to get any more unconscious responses. So aske yourself “What else” and then list out what comes to mind. And then a final check “What else”… until you have a thorough list.

3. Next you need to have a look at the first value on your list and compare it to the second value on the list. Ask yourself “Which one would I take?” and circle or create a tally to indicate how many times that value gets a score.

Eg.         “Which one would I take, Fulfilment or Respect?” …. Fulfilment.
              “Which one would I take, Fulfilment or connection?”
              “Which one would I take, Fulfilment or money?

4. Now do the comparison for the second value and compare it with all the other values on the list. Followed by the third etc. What you are aiming for, is to gauge what is the top 5 values on your list.

Eg.         “Which one would I take, Respect or Connection?”
              “Which one would I take, Respect or money?”

5. Once you have your list in order of your highest value, check in with yourself on how you can create more of this in your life. As example:

  • Assuming fulfilled is your highest value, ask yourself “Am I fulfilled in my career?”
  • What needs to happen to create more fulfilment?
  • What am I tolerating that hinders my fulfilment?

Living by your values will align you with your purpose.

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