"How do I start my business?"

For Coaches and Wellness Professionals

Your business, Your Way

Would you agree that your business is an extension of you?
Owning your own business is going to be one of the fastest, most thorough self-development journeys you can take to explore your strengths and confidence. 
Owning their own business is exciting, liberating, and successful for some people. It’s their dream come true. 
While others exert effort and stress over their Business, which drives them to sleepless nights and burnout.  This stress can pour over onto all aspects of their life, not only cutting off their ability to generate profit but causing tension in their relationships and health issues. Your business does not have to be stressful.

The question is “How can you make running a coaching business EASIER?”

One of the quickest ways to dissolve stress is to work with someone who is already a few steps ahead and has effective business strategies.

A client came to me asking that exact question. She had been sweating the small stuff, feeling lost and stuck in confusion. It was costing her enormously. She was ready to give up the business altogether.

I told her, “Life works well when you know what to work on. As an NLP Trainer and purpose Coach, it’s my job to help her create fast transformations. We need to look at what holds you back, what builds your confidence, and ways to build your self-trust.

All it takes is just ONE powerful decision to change.

If you feel uncomfortable being seen – your business will have trouble being seen.
If you struggle to speak your truth – your business will struggle to communicate its meaningful message. 
If you are a recovering people-pleaser, putting everyone else first, your business will hold back to remain second.

Turning this around within you will mean you lead from a place of confidence and certainty and, therefore, attract clients who are drawn to these qualities. It is so exciting when your business starts to look and feel like an inspiring dream

This resource is to help you build a strong foundation so your business can thrive and grow into the business of your dreams.

Simple Business Checklist:

  • ✅️ Business name.
  • ✅️ Research Google to check if your business name is unique and available.
  • ✅️ ABN.
  • ✅Domain name.
  • ✅️ Website.
  • ✅Website host.
  • ✅️ Business logo.
  • ✅️ Insurance.
  • ✅️ Booking system.
  • ✅️ Payment system.
  • ✅️ Write “about me” web page.
  • ✅️ Identify what is your offer.
  • ✅️ What problem do you solve?
  • ✅️ Google business.
  • ✅️ Instagram business account.
  • ✅️ Facebook page.
  • ✅️ Linked in.
  • ✅ Find ways to talk about your service. Eg Instagram Lives and podcasts
  • ✅️ Are you willing to work with people at a heavily discounted rate to get testimonials?
  • ✅️ Put testimonials on your webpage to build your reputation.
  • ✅️ Collect business emails for future offers.
  • ✅️ Build a community aka “container”.
  • ✅️ Consider paid ads
  • ✅️ Get your name out there.
  • ✅️ Get clear on who your ideal client is.
  • ✅️ Pay for help, and do what you’re an expert at.
  • ✅️ Check Claire’s links to manifest clients.

"What Should I Call My Business?

Your business has its own energy, like a being. It is precious, just like a new baby. You will be investing a lot of time, attention, and money into this new project, so it makes sense that the business name has to feel aligned with who you are and the service you provide. 

Some people struggle to find a business name. This has more to do with the fear of judgment and being out in the world than the creative process of coming up with a name. I have personally seen people get the name of their business the minute we clear that fear of judgment. Your intuition will drive you forward with your business, so if there is delay and hesitation, it is worth working with a coach to unpack this.

Business names are so personal. I have noticed that some people brainstorm a name that matches their business values (e.g., “Connection,” “upliftment,” “manifesting,” “spiritual,” etc.). Or they simply use their service solution in their business name, e.g., “Coaching with Claire.”

Some things to keep in mind with your business name:

  • Who is your ideal client?
  • What solution do you solve for them?
  • How can you grab their attention with your business name?
  • Is there a tagline that can clarify your business name?
  • Is the business name available, or has someone already claimed it?
  • Make sure you use words that describe the outcome from working with you, not so much the ‘doing’. Eg “Resolve your limitations” change it to the outcome: “Life beyond limits”.
  • Look at the wording you use to ensure that you leave out any hidden messages such as Embodied = embo-DIED.
  • Some people resonate with the bigger picture within their business name, to signify a level of prestige and importance: “Worldwide Healers International”.
  • Whereas some people are more attracted to something more intimate where the human connection is more the focus: “Reiki bliss”.
  • You may want to consider choosing a name that allows you to expand and grow as your interests evolve: “Healing essential”
  • Consider if they get the results ‘from’ you, or do they work ‘with’ you to get the outcome they want.
  • All of this will play into the energy that you are building and the type of client who will be attracted to your messaging. 

Is Your Business Name Unique?

Your business name does not have to be unique.  However, it is best if it does not get confused with other business names.

For example, a friend’s coaching and Hypnotherapy business was named “The Eyes of Horus”.  A very similar name belonged to a cosmetic firm. they were “The Eye of Horus”.  My friend would occasionally get enquiries about cosmetics due to the similar names.

Save your clients the confusion and do what you can to make yourself findable. 

Google Your Business Name

  • It is a great idea to Google search the name you are considering for your business.  You may be interested in what you find:

    • Open Google on another webpage and enter the business names you are considering.
    • Have a look:
      • Does the business name already exist, or is there something similar that shows up that would create confusion for your clients?
      • Does a business name or topic come up with something that you don’t want to associate with?
      • Has your potential business name already been taken and trademarked?
      • Do the results that come up, link in with what your potential clients would search for?
      • Do other business name ideas come up which may be more suitable?
      • You may need to do several searches to find a suitable business name.

    Beside google searches, you may want to check Amazon for book names, music titles or existing products.

"What Business Structure Do I need?"

Your business structure will dictate how your business runs and who has control over it.   As I am not an accountant. I can only give you my suggestion on the business structure, based on what I have done. 
When I started my business, I chose the simplest structure to use: Sole Trader.  A sole trader is legally responsible for all aspects of the business including any debts and losses and day-to-day business decisions. 
Other business structures include:
  • Partnership 
  • Company
  • Trust
  • Co-operative
  • Indigenous corporation
  • Joint venture.

To understand more about business structures, I suggest you get expert advice.  A wonderful place to start is to explore the Business Australia website (business.gov.au/planning/business-structures-and-types/business-structures).

If you decide to go for any structure other than Sole Trader, I would suggest getting an accountant to help with the setup.

Get An ABN for your business name

ABN stands for Australian Business Number. An ABN is a number that identifies your business. It doesn’t replace your tax file number. You need an ABN for tax and other business activities.

According to Business.gov.au, an ABN is a unique 11-digit number that identifies your business to the government and community. You can use an ABN to: 

  • Identify your business to others when ordering and invoicing 
  • Avoid pay-as-you-go (PAYG) tax on payments you get 
  • Claim goods and services tax (GST) credits 
  • Claim energy grants credits 
  • Get an Australian domain name (more about domain names in a future lesson)

Register your business name and get an ABN (Australian Business Number)

The easiest way to get your ABN, and it is free is by using the Australian business government website.  On business.gov.au/registrations/register-for-an-australian-business-number-abn webpage you can find out:

  • if you need an ABN
  • what you need to register for an ABN
  • a link to register for an ABN. 
  • The direct link to register for an ABN and for a business name is the register.business.gov.au.

What is Your Business Logo?

Your business logo is unique.  Just as you are.  There are several ways to get a business logo. It depends on your level of creativity if you want to create it yourself on an app like “Canva” or if you want to check out “Upwork” to hire a freelancer to create it for you.

Either way, you want to have an idea about your logo before you jump into the design mindset. Here are some guidelines to consider when creating your logo:

  • A good logo tells the story of your brand using design elements like colour, fonts, imagery and shapes.
  • Your logo will be easy to distinguish from you and your competitors. 
  • A good logo looks great in any size and on your website, social media, and your invoices.
  • The aesthetic of your logo will relate to your client and the values that your business holds. (eg. is your business bold and impactful, or warm-hearted and communicative). 

Colours within your logo will speak to people’s unconscious beliefs, as an example:

  • Blues are about communication, loyalty and productivity.
  • Greens are about healing, nurture and groundedness.
  • Yellows are about brightness, warmth and potential. 
  • Oranges are about creativity, growth and activity. 
  • Reds are about being bold, passionate and alert.
  • Purples are about spirituality, luxury and wisdom.
  • Pinks are about compassion, gentleness and play. 
  • Turquoise is about high vibrational connection and expansion.

Logo considerations:

Creating your logo will take time and effort to work out what does not fit until you find the design, colour, shape and font that fits with the energy of your business. You may want to:

  1. Look at other business logo’s.  Which appeal to you and why?  
  2. Which do not appeal and why not?
  3. Start to sketch out a logo for yourself.
  4.  Play with creative apps such as Canva.com where you create it yourself as the final product or send your ideas to an artist on fiverr.com so they can create it for you.
  5. Get feedback from potential clients or those you have worked with.
  6. Develop your logo from what feels right to you. It needs to be an image that you connect with.

What about a website

Before you can answer the question “Do I need a website?”, first you need to answer these questions:

  • Do you want to provide information to clients and potential clients about your services?
  • Are the products and modalities that you use well understood by most people?
  • Will it be beneficial for you to explain what you do, how you work, and what are your business boundaries (more about this topic later)?
  • Are you willing and excited to write and share your ideas?
  • Do you want to have just one main place where people find out about you?
  • Do you know how to maintain and edit a website yourself?
  • Do you have someone who you know and trust that would create and maintain your website?

With the use of Social media, you may not need a website. 

Websites used to be useful in the past, however, I do know many coaches who don’t have a website as it is an unnecessary distraction. 
As social media has grown in popularity, you may choose to just utilise that space to:

  • Connect with your audience
  • Tell others what you are doing and what you offer.
  • Promote courses, programs, events and products.
  • Build your reputation.

The "Be Your Purpose" Website

I LOVE my website, so much so that it bulging with well over 200 pages of content. For such a big content space, I use Elementor Pro. I know my website as a place for my clients and visitors to come for:

  • Free resources – such as spiritual knowledge, self-coaching questionnaires and podcasts.
  • Information about my current programs and courses.
  • Link to my latest posts on Instagram & Facebook.
  • Booking and payment pages.
  • And so much more.

Web design for beginners

If you want to get creative and give web design a go, then check out Square Space. They claim to be the leaders in web design.
It may take you some time to fiddle and get to know the settings. I highly recommend checking out YouTube tutorials to navigate its options.

Hire someone to create a website

If your intuition is still pulling you towards creating a website, it is worth looking for a trusted freelancer or a web designer who can build the website for you. 
In the early days of your business, all you need to start off with a website is three pages. 

  • Landing page.
  • Contact us page.
  • About us page.

Any thing more than that can be added when you feel more confident in the way you want to expand your services. 

Payment Options

You have three methods that you can get paid for your sessions:

  • Cash
  • Bank Transfer
  • Credit card

Getting cash is a hassle as you have to get to the bank to deposit the money, so unless you want it for spare cash, don’t use this option.

A bank transfer is a common way to get paid. However, it does depend on the other person making the payment. Also, it is not an option if you have a booking system that will only take credit/debit cards.

The preferred way to get paid is using credit or debit cards.  This is quick, easy, and can be done online when a person books in.  

Payment options using Credit/Debit cards

There are two main payment processing applications you can receive payment through.  They both connect to booking systems (a future lesson). I personally use Stripe for payments connected to Squarespace. 

Stripe payment system

  • Does subscriptions and payment plans
  • Do not have to sign in to make a payment
  • Pays you within 3 days of payment being received
  • Caters for creating invoices
  • You can refund a client from the Stripe application 

Paypal payment system

  • Does subscriptions and payment plans (business account)
  • The client may have to sign in to Paypal to make a payment
  • Pays you within 3 – 5 days of payment being received
  • Caters for creating invoices
  • You can refund a client from the Paypal application

What Solution Do I Provide My Clients?

Knowing that your intuition is driving you to create your business, you must have a level of certainty that you have something to offer. Something special that is unique to you and your experience.

The question is, what transformation have you been through that drives up your enthusiasm to create your business?
What is your passion?
What do you want to share with others?

From my perspective, the solution that you provide your clients comes from your own personal experience. In simple terms, your ideal client is YOU FIVE YEARS AGO! It is worth taking the time to work through:

  • What solution were you looking for back then?
  • How did you move through the challenges?
  • How did you gain clarity?
  • What worked for you?
  • What didn’t work for you?

If you can work out the strategy that got you to where you are now, you will be able to provide the most remarkable service that will blow the socks off your client!

Niche down

New business owners often have trouble narrowing down what is their niche. It makes sense that in the early days, you don’t have the experience to know exactly what you are brilliant at. However, it is worth taking the time to drill down to one specific niche to build your expertise on that. As an example, if you have trouble with your heart, are you going to be ok seeing the GP, or do you want to invest your time and money into seeing a specialist who can save you from ongoing suffering and stress?

Your business is no different. If I am working with a “Relationship coach”, I am going to require them to get specific. Do they help people find love? or do they help people divorce amicably? They are at two ends of the spectrum.
When you can narrow down your niche you will find that your marketing, resources and reputation will be effortless to build.

Where To Start With Social Media?

The world of social media can be overwhelming and many people start to compare themselves to what is already out there. …” Where do I start?”
First, let’s take the pressure off and breathe. Please do not get caught in the spiral of comparing yourself to others who have been creating content for years. Remind yourself that this is new and pace yourself.

Social media is a tool that helps you build your reputation and to help your potential clients gain trust in you. Social media does not determine the success of your business. I went years without any website or social media. My business was built on word of mouth by providing high-quality sessions.

After saying that, what is your approach when it comes to creating content:

  • What is the intention?
  • Do you want to talk to your audience?
  • Do you want to make sales?
  • Do you want to shock and surprise people?
  • Do you want to build up your following?

Most of the time I create content with the intention to show my teenage daughters that they can live their dream and create a business that is fulfilling, while talking about how to be seen, heard and valued for all that you do. Knowing that my intention is to communicate with my daughters means that I am building a space of trust.
I love to share inspirational messages about how to “Be your purpose”.

Knowing that the core value of my business is “purpose”, I base all my posts on this topic:

  • Manifesting your purpose.
  • Business purpose.
  • Spirituality and your purpose.
  • Following your intuition to be your purpose.
  • And everything in between. 

The question is – what is the core value of your business?
I encourage you to create a mind map with the core value of your business in the centre, and then create a list of content that compliments this value? Knowing your audience and getting them familiar with your business values will keep you on track with your marketing. 

Social media post ideas:

Remember content creation is a long-term plan. You need to plant the seed today to reap the rewards in the future.

  • Picture of you – introduce yourself.
  • What are you thankful for today?
  • Workspace photo – share behind the scenes. 
  • Share your best-case stories.
  • What is going on behind the scenes?
  • Answer a client’s question.
  • Share a fun moment.
  • What is a sneak peek that you are excited to share soon?
  • Talk about what you enjoy in your business. 
  • Who inspires you in your business?
  • What is a new perspective on your topic?
  • Share a personally vulnerable story of growth.
  • Give a tip your followers would love to know.
  • What are you excited about?
  • What is a ‘how to’ that you can share?
  • Talk about why you do what you do. 
  • Share your process. 
  • Launch a challenge.
  • Testimonials.
  • What is your offer?
  • Celebrate your client’s achievement.
  • Run a contest to like & share to win.
  • De-bunk a myth in your industry.
  • All about you – why did you start your business? 
  • Inspire your clients and ask them for an emoji if they agree. 
  • Share an ah-ha moment. 
  • Photo of your laptop – what are you currently working on?
  • Talk about your family and friends and how they support you. 
  • Share words of encouragement. 
  • How quickly your offer sold out.
  • What is your vision for your business?
  • Talk about a struggle you overcome. 

Who Is Your Ideal Client?

In simple terms, an ideal client is someone who needs your product or service.
However, I don’t encourage people to manifest just any client into their business – I encourage you to fine-tune who you want and attract clients:

  • Where there is a mutual energy exchange.
  • Who has the enthusiasm to be their best self.
  • Who takes responsibility for their personal growth.
  • That lights you up when you see their name on their schedule.
  • Who respects you and your expertise.
  • Who values and pays for your service.
  • and who really get the most out of your expertise. 

I invite you to add to the list that is right by your standards. …Do you want to work with introverts, extroverts, spiritually minded, scientifically minded, driven people, creatives, chatty people, earthy clients, or musical clients.

Red Flag Clients

I also encourage you to know who you don’t want to work with. Sounds strange, especially if you are at the beginning of your business. However, honouring this list will preserve your energy, it will save you plenty of resentment and burnout. Believe me, taking on a client just for the money is going to cost you enormously and it’s not worth the tension, sleepless nights and health concerns by ignoring your boundaries. Don’t work with clients that you wouldn’t want to have dinner with. If you are not interested in hanging out with them, it’s a red flag. This is the type of example of the qualities that you don’t want your client to have:

  • Who have unrealistic expectations.
  •  Who don’t understand you and your approach.
  • Who are needy and push on your boundaries.
  • Who are abrasive or push to be the authority over you.
  • Who push for discounts or price reductions.
  • Who ask for extras that were not agreed upon.
  • Who pay late or complain about paying.
  • Who show up late or regularly cancel with minimal notice.
  • Who is not willing to do the work necessary to achieve the outcome.

Listen out for these red flags before you start an ongoing business relationship.
Having a mutual level of respect is the foundation of your thriving business and is well worth putting in the extra effort to establish this, not just for you, but to ensure results. 

What Is Your Client's Customers Journey?

You know you are amazing at what you do.
You know that you have so much to share.
You know the outcomes you deliver are outstanding.

…. but that’s the thing. YOU KNOW.

How can we shift your knowing, to your future clients, so they know that you and your services are something worth leaning into?

In the early days of your business, it can feel confusing about how you can attract clients so you can get your name and reputation out there. This mindset will immediately create overwhelm and angst on the ‘how?’

Truth is, the simplest way to build your business in the early days, is to focus on one meaningful conversation at a time.

It may be obvious, but a meaningful conversation means that two people are conversing. It requires both people to listen and to talk. You will notice that your clients need to feel understood and to know that they matter.

Within the first conversation, you want to ensure you create a safe space, to quickly build their trust in you, and the services you provide.

Listen to your potential clients. Listen to their needs. Listen to their struggles and listen to see if your services can provide them with a solution. If you can help them – GREAT! And honestly, if you can’t it is better to refer them to someone else than push to make it work.

The question comes back to “How do your clients approach you to start their customer journey?”.

This is completely up to you.

My Experience

Years and years ago, as a busy, single mum of four daughters, I was run off my feet with school drop-offs and their ongoing appointments. I was not at my desk unless I had to be, so it made sense that I needed clients to make their enquiries through text, email, or through messenger.

This worked for me, as I could text someone back when I was sitting in the waiting room when my daughters were at the dentist etc. Personally, I have never been worried about who has my phone number, as it was my responsibility how I managed my phone use. I know some coaches won’t give out their number and that is perfectly fine to have that boundary.

I found clients would text me “Hey Claire, my friend referred you and I would love a session”.

GREAT! And then I would text them the link to book in.

I deliberately kept my initial session price low, so that people were more likely to lean into and pay. At the time, that’s what I needed. I needed money, as money was tight.

You may be starting your business part-time while working full-time in another job, or you have a partner who is bringing in financial security, so your approach may be different. You may want to charge the top rate and set your clients up for that expectation. Whatever feels right to you.

I NEVER did sales calls. With the way I work, the moment I talk to someone and link to their energy, my guides will start working and they will bring in healing.

I found it too difficult to talk about someone’s problems without providing the solution when they were triggered and feeling it at that moment. Knowing this I just didn’t do a sales call.

I also knew if I was going to show up and share my valuable time with a stranger, rather than my children, then they were going to be required to pay for it (even at a reduced price).

For me, sales calls don’t work.

In the early days, this strategy worked. All I needed was one woman with a big mouth and lots of friends and suddenly I was getting session enquiries from all over the world. I had no website and no social media. It was 100% word of mouth.

I soon learned that it was depleting my energy for people to have a way to book in whenever they wanted. People would come to me when their life was a mess and expected me to coach them out of that within 60 minutes.

I was exhausted from “putting out fires” and soon learned that I needed to work with PRO-ACTIVE clients, rather than RE-ACTIVE clients.

WOW – what a difference it made.

I then brought in the structure to have an initial session, with the option to purchase 5 sessions. I no longer offered 1 off sessions if I had already worked with them.

The initial session was to help both of us have 100% that we could work together.

I work at a rapid and intense pace (I like to get to the point). So, if clients needed a slower pace or a softer nurturing session – I was not the coach for them. “Let me give you Sue’s number” became a phrase that I became familiar with.

My intuition knew who my ideal clients were. I would get excited and energised to talk to them. Anything less than that and my energy would deplete. Honestly, I am resentful in scenarios like that.

I went into a ‘lack’ mentality, not trusting my intuition, and said to myself ‘I can push to make this work’.

For me, the cost of saying ‘yes’ to a client that I was not aligned to work, meant that they would still come away with an outstanding result, but I would have to spend money on chiropractors and acupuncture to undo the stress in my jaw and back.

This is when my team outlined that I must be fussy with who I worked. That my “Taxi light” was not on for everyone. This experience took me about two–three years to know what they truly meant.

How Many Sessions In A Package?

Within that time frame, I had “played with 3 session packages, 5 session packages, 8 session packages”. But I always came back to fortnightly 5 or 6.

Weekly sessions were too much. A client would experience a whopper of a transformation and would need some time to integrate and apply the new changes.

3 sessions gave the client unrealistic expectations of what could be achieved in that time. Plus I was working so fast that I depleted myself and had to cut back on the number of clients I could show up for.

8 sessions were too many. By 5 or 6th session, the client had transformed so much in three months, that they needed life to settle down and experience the changes, before the next big wave.

As a metaphor, I had always considered myself to be like a photographer. I come into people’s lives to help them with the engagement, and then help them with the wedding, and then help them capture the beauty of their pregnancy, baby and so on.

I am not someone to have by your side full time within 1on1 coaching. A pocket of 1-on-1 and then a group training, yes. But not full-time coaching. What I know about my personality, is that I need “bookends “ and structure to know what the timing is.

BUT some coaches are. Some coaches facilitate 12-month coaching, 6 months of coaching, etc.

It is up to you if you want your clients to find you through social media and then do a sales call.

Or they sign up for a webinar or workshop where you get to know them, and then they can do 1-on-1 work with you.

Or maybe they pay for an online training of yours that then builds trust, so they can do 1-on-1 with you.

The options are limitless.

The general idea in business is that someone gets to know you with a free, or inexpensive resource, and then they pay for your 1-on-1 time.

Of course, we can dive into your options and what works for you and your business in a 1-on-1 session.

Do They Need A Follow Up Session

So you have had a taste of what it is like to offer a client an initial session and you can see the potential of how your services could help your client …if only they signed up for more sessions!

There are plenty of benefits to your business by offering a one-off session.

The experience builds your confidence while gaining certainty on how much you can cover in the allocated time. Soon you will identify common patterns with the clients you are attracting, and the steps that are involved with getting lost lasting results.

The question is – how to *sell* a follow-up session??

First, we must recognise what triggers come up for you when we mention the word *sell*. Have you got your own experience been sold false promises in the past and don’t want to appear to be that icky to your client?

Or do you perceive that ‘selling’ comes with an amount of pressure for someone to buy, rather than it being a heartfelt exchange?

Going on a deep inner journey to resolve your own triggers will make a BIG difference in the way you show up for the ongoing relationship with your client.

Your business is an extension of you – so it is great to know that when we resolve a limitation within you, you will see the results within your business. Right?

But let’s backtrack to the question “how to *sell* a follow-up session?”

It may help to change the language, so that instead of *selling* a session, it is an invitation for the client to continue their healing journey with you.

When I did just one-off sessions, I knew that the first session with me can be intense. We spend time unpacking their problem followed by going into a trance-like state to find the solution. The end of a session is not the appropriate time for me to ask them if they want to book another session. They are in a high vibrational state, completely away from their problem and their logical mind to know what day of the week!

There are two things I did to create the opportunity to invite the client to book in when they had more focus.

At the end of the session I asked for permission to text them later to check in. and Second I took action.

  1. During the session, I would tell them “Is it ok if I text you in the next couple of days to follow up, check in and see how you are going”. In that message would be a genuine check-in, with an invitation to book in or to feel free to connect with me if they have any questions.
  1. I also sent them a text the minute I hung up the phone or zoom. The text would say “It was wonderful connecting with you today. Here are some suggestions for self-care after a session that may be beneficial”. In that link, it would have a list of self-care suggestions, and at the bottom would be a link to book in again for their follow-up session. – They now have the link and can book in with minimal effort.

What about a bundle of sessions?

Before you offer a bundle of sessions to your client, make sure you are clear in your mind about what are the benefits to create an ongoing plan. Notice the enthusiasm to continue working with your client. (Of course, if you are not enthusiastic to continue working with that one-off client, you have the discretion to decline). Explore the idea of creating a bundle of sessions so that it is more cost-effective to book 3 sessions at a time, rather than one-offs.

In the early days of running a business, I would encourage you to find the sweet spot that works for you. You may just want to go from a sales call to a bundle of sessions. Or perhaps you just want to facilitate a session, one at a time, as they need.

Your comfort and confidence in what you offer will create a ripple effect so that your client feels comfortable and confident working with you.

Business Boundaries

I get it, you love what you do, and that’s why you chose to create this business… but how do you stop your business from not taking over your life?

You have two choices – you can choose to run your business, or you can choose to let your business run your life. 

It took me such a long time to get this and to give myself permission to stand back from the business, as the first stages of a business require so much time and attention to put the systems and structure in place. My intention was set and my drive was strong as I knew why I was putting so much time and attention into the business. It required me to build my skills, establish my reputation, and learn how to have a business mindset through trial and error.  I finally got the business to the stage where I could breathe. 

This meant I could stop working on the weekends, I stopped replying to clients’ texts on the weekends and spent some time recharging my battery with family.

The boundaries are going to be different depending on what phase you are in your business and what your values are. 

If you are in the early phase of creating your business you will have to put in the work upfront. The work means having your customer journey worked out, having the payment options put in place, the booking system in place, the website, the social media and everything else that takes time to create. Realistically this can take a year or so.

Once you get past this phase, it will be essential to create structure and healthy boundaries so you can show up for your client at a higher and more consistent level – without getting burned out or resentful. 

Boundaries in your business will ensure that you show up as the expert, certain of what you do to assist your clients, while still feeling energised to maintain a healthy relationship between you and your clients.

You need to know your boundaries. What is ok? and what is not ok?

Think back to other areas of your life when you felt friction or frustration and when your boundaries were not being respected. This will give you a clear indication of what is important to you about your boundaries and the schedule you have set for yourself. Your boundaries are in place to look after you so you can serve your clients. You need to keep in mind what is important to you so you can show up for yourself!

When you think about your boundaries and the schedule you have set for yourself, how will your business fit in with you?

  • When do you work with clients?
  • How quickly can your clients expect to hear back from you?
  • Are there certain hours of your day that you work or don’t work?
  • Does your workspace need to be respected?
  • Do you need quiet time when you are on calls with clients?
  • When can your family expect to spend time with you?
  • Do you need to do the school run?
  •  Are there things with your family that you don’t want to miss?
  • Do you need a second phone or work laptop that you can keep separate?
  • Will you check your email once a day or more often?

Get A Coach Or Mentor

As an NLP trainer, I have trained some phenomenal people to become coaches. They have a generous heart and have knowledge about a life experience that is worth paying for. If you are going into business, I highly recommend you get a reputable Coach – preferably from someone who is about three steps ahead of where you want to be. 

Why? From their experience, they can save you months and years of anxiety and frustration by helping you on the smoothest path ahead so your business is set up for success.

Your business is an extension of you. It will show you where you are limiting yourself. If you have a hard time receiving money, your business will too. If you stress to the point of being unwell, your business will be stressful and unwell too. 

Knowing how quickly and easy it is to resolve these limitations, it is well worth investing in yourself so your business thrives. 


How Much Is It Costing You To Stay The Same?

There are coaches who really value what they do and deliver a high-quality service. 

$5,000 for 3 months of personalized coaching.
$10,000 for 3 months of personalized coaching.

$25,000+ for 3 months of personalized coaching.

How do I know this? I have coached them.

What do these premium price coaches have in common?

  • They invest in themselves.
  • They are willing to take a risk.
  • They embraced their fear and turned their life around.
  • They positioned themselves in the market to not need to make sales.
  • They don’t chase clients. Clients come to them.
  • They also know that the service they offer is valuable.

Sometimes people think that Coaching is expensive. It’s true, Coaching is a luxury experience.
But the real question is “How much is it costing you to stay the same?”

When you are starting a new business, there is an enormous amount of ‘work’ that needs to be completed. It can generate sleepless nights, anxiety, health concerns and breakdown in relationships. Save yourself the breakdown and get in touch with a trusted expert. You deserve it. 

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